Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Is CrossFit FIT for you?

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning system that was created in order to meet all aspects of training and simply putting every focus of fitness into one system. For this reason it's suggested for beginners to not adopt this system and is intended for more experienced fitness enthusiasts. The reason being is that it's imperative that one can properly perform the CrossFit exercises in order to achieve any sort of result. Personally most of the CrossFit exercises are out of my fitness range to attempt. The system can be grueling at times and requires a superior fitness knowledge and performance level to follow through with. 

With that all being said, the Crossfit system has sparked controversy since its incorporation into the fitness world. Many have called it a sort of cult with the sole purpose to sell a fitness system without many grains of truth. Those who defend it claim that the proof is in the results. Now the issue isn't so much if it works or not because those that can do the exercises are evidently fit! It comes down to how helpful it really is to the body. CrossFit does not focus on form and technique which can and will result in injury if one doesn't know how to protect their core. 

It's easy to interpret CrossFit as an unhelpful regiment. Seeing as not many can do it, it becomes easy to criticize and it doesn't really have an 'open door policy' for newcomers because it's either you get it or you don't. I believe that one can reach their goal of fitness through many different methods and of course this can be one of them. Everybody is different and different styles can affect a body in different ways. Do you think CrossFit would be an exercise style you can manage? If not, how would that sway your opinion on the matter of if it's beneficial or not? I've suffered with injuries and as the body gets older it becomes more reliant on technique and form. Because of its injury provoking methods, I would skip out on making it part of my routine. I'll stick to my cardio + LIFTing, thank you very much!

Here's a link that shows a basic CrossFit workout routine! 


Author, U. (2013, January 15). Top 10 Myths about CrossFit. Retrieved June 17, 2013, from YourHealthISTA: http://yourhealthista.com/post/40620866757/the-top-7-myths-about-crossfit-and-why-theyre-totally

Stewart, A. (2010, August 31). Is CrossFit Friend or Fad. Retrieved June 17, 2013, from Bodybuilding.com: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/crossfit-friend-or-fad.htm

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